Thursday, June 14, 2012

Fever and Autism

OK, I've got a bit of a soap-box feeling about this issue.... the autism and vaccination thing.  I've been so blessed to have very average children, with no hints of autism, Aspergers, or anything on the spectrum.  I do know lots of parents who are worried about vaccines playing a role in the onset of these disorders autism spectrum disorders or ASD.

I believe the link between vaccines and ASD has been thoroughly  laid to rest.  Still, many really cling to this as a reason to delay or even refuse vaccinations for their children. The issue I have is twofold: one, by your not vaccinating you're putting my child at risk for disease.  Two: by maintaining focus on the vaccine/ASD link the energy/intellect/resources of researchers investigating ASD is distracted, sidetracked, derailed, and unproductive.

Case in point, this paper coming form the May 5 issue of The Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders "Is Maternal Influenza or Fever During Pregnancy Associated with Autism or Developmental Delays?  Results from the CHARGE (CHildhood Autism Risks from Genetics and Environment) Study."

This study looked at over 500 kids who have been placed on the ASD.  Over 50% of moms reported having a fever while pregnant. Synopsis by Medscape: "Fever during pregnancy is linked to a 2-fold increased risk for ASD or developmental delay (DD) in offspring, new research suggests. However, using medication to lower the fever may counter this effect.

'The inflammatory process may have a damaging effect on the developing fetus in some women," lead author Ousseny Zerbo, PhD, now a postdoctoral researcher with the Kaiser Permanente Northern California Division of Research in Oakland, said in an interview with Medscape Medical News. "These results call for more studies looking at inflammation during pregnancy and risk of autism,' he added."

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